Advertising with MIOpera is a great way to reach a large, diverse, and unique clientele. With our variety of advertising options and pricing levels, any business can get the exposure it needs to thrive and increase patronage, all while supporting the fantastic arts programming of MIOpera! All advertising options levels include membership in the Friends of MIOpera Aria Circle, the premiere opera membership for MIOpera Patrons, Donors, and Friends! This membership gives your business access to exclusive concerts, pre-show discussions, arts education, and planned social and fundraising events. All payments to MIOpera are fully tax-deductible.
Are you ready to take your advertising to a new level? Follow the instructions below!
Choose from one of the Advertising Options.
Go to our PayPal account and pay for your advertising option.
Email MIOpera your ad or business card @
All ads are full color and should be provided in high-resolution JPEG, PNG, or print-optimized PDF files accepted.
Advertising Options & Pricing
Includes one business card-sized ad in production programs throughout the season.
One post on all social media outlets: Facebook & Instagram
Membership into the Friends of MIOpera: Aria Circle
one quarter-page ad in production programs throughout the season.
one post on each social media outlet and one business sponsor highlight post on all social media outlets: Facebook & Instagram.
Opportunity to display your logo on our website with a link to your business.
Membership into the Friends of MIOpera: Aria Circle.
one half-pge ad in production programs throughout the season.
bi-monthly posts (1st of the mnth and 15th of the month) advertising your business on each of our social media outlets and one business sponsor highlight post on all social media outlets: Facebook & Instagram.
an arts partner a don our website where we showcase you and your business.
opportunity to display your logo on our website with a link to your business.
membership into Friends of MIOpera: Aria Circle.
one full-page ad in production programs throughout the season.
one weekly post (4 posts a month) advertising your business on each of our social media outlets and two (2) business sponsor highlight post on all social media outlets: Facebook & Instagram.
an arts partner ad on our website where we showcase you and your business.
advertising placement for your business at fundraising events, concerts, productions, & pre-show events.
membership into Friends of the MIOpera: Aria Circle.
Advertising Design Assistance
Advertisers may pay an additional fee for graphic design assistance.
Quarter, Half & Full Page Ads: $45 per ad with two rounds of changes
Additional changes will be charged at $10 per change
Contact Tracy Koch:
Mozart’s Don Giovanni, 2012