Dido and aeneas Cast

Matthew mancillas, baritone

Role: Sailor


MIOpera Resident Artist Matthew “Em” Mancillas received their Master of Music degree in vocal performance from Illinois State University, as well as a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Texas - Rio Grande Valley. Through their college career, they performed the roles Guglielmo and Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte), Papageno (The Magic Flute), and the title role in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi. They have also appeared frequently as a performer with MIOpera during their time in Illinois playing roles like The Pirate King (Pirates of Penzance), Schaunard (La bohème), and Dr. Falke (Die Fledermaus), with their most recent role being that of the Dancairo in Bizet’s Carmen. In between productions with MIO, they also sing Christmas carols regularly during the holiday season, and perform in smaller recitals. During their downtime, they enjoy poetry, horror movies, and composing new music very slowly. He is a student of Prof John. Koch at Illinois State University.