Dido and Aeneas Cast

Rachel Cremer, mezzo soprano

Role: Spirit Voice/Ensemble

Rachel graduated Heartland Community College in 2018 with an Associates of Arts. Then graduated at Illinois State University with a Bachelor of Science in Vocal Performance, summer of 2020. During her time at ISU, she was a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and was in the shadow cast of Rocky Horror Picture Show. While studying, she got her first pants role as Gherardino in Gianni Schicchi.

She has been in the MIOpera ensemble since 2014 while performing Suor Angelica, Carmen (2014), The Bewitched Child, Hansel and Gretel, The Pirates of Penzance, La bohème, Die Fledermaus, Amahl and the Night Visitors, Sound of Music, played Lillias Pasta in Carmen (2022) and a pirate in The Pirates of Penzance (2023). She has also in MIO’s Christmas Carolers (Winter 2022 and 2023)

At Normal Community High School, she has dance and was in the ensemble of Footloose, Little Shop of Horrors, and Children of Eden.

During her free time, she loves horror movies, working at he godmother’s fairy garden, gaming, Dungeons and Dragons, and construction with her dad.